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Suffering From Seasonal Stress? We Might Have The Answer!

picture of a spa swimming pool

It’s the end of October – the clocks are about to go back, nights are drawing in, and days are getting colder. The impact that the darker months has on stress and mood are well documented. Beyond those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, who among us doesn’t feel a bit down in the dumps when Summer ends?

This, in combination with a rise in work-related stress, is evidence for the fact that we all need a bit of a break. That’s where Stancliffe Hall comes in! Our luxurious spa provides a sanctuary of relaxation and provides a proven remedy to stress, with packages available to book every day of the week. In this article we’ll be exploring the medical ways in which spas such as Stancliffe’s can reduce stress, as well as looking at some DIY stress-relief techniques!

How does a spa reduce stress?

First and foremost, a spa should be a place to relax and clear your mind. Conditions within a spa are made to be peaceful, with gentle sensory stimulation making sure that the mind is encouraged to empty, rather than dwell on points of stress. We want our Stancliffe spa to be a private sanctuary – a luxurious location in the countryside which provides a clear barrier from the world outside. When people enter the spa, our goal is for them to leave the rest of the world, and whatever elements that are stressing them out, behind. From the moment they put on the robe and slippers and help themselves to a glass of Prosecco that comes with every booking, our visitors are able to relax in the knowledge that they’re in a safe place!

Spas are also instrumental in removing the physical symptoms of stress. Stress is often seen as a purely mental state of being, but it reveals itself in numerous physical manifestations including loss of sleep, shortness of breath, aches and pains, muscle tightness, and more. Studies show that spa visits are effective in reducing all of these physical indicators of stress. Visiting a spa more frequently leads to better quality sleep and fewer hospitalisations, while specific activities offered at Stancliffe – such as our luxurious Jacuzzi, steam room, and sauna - can sooth aches and pains and aid blood circulation.

How else can I battle stress?

The obvious answer for anyone feeling stressed, then, is to get down to your nearest spa and spend a few hours unwinding! However, we know it’s not always that simple. That’s why we’ve collected some great DIY stress-relief activities to be tried anywhere:

· Meditation: With the influx of various apps and free-to-access videos, getting started with meditation has never been easier. Clear your mind today!

· Exercise: Release endorphins, lower stress hormones, and get in shape – what could be better?!

· Cuddle a pet: Beyond the fun of playing with a furry friend, some studies suggest that stroking pets releases oxytocin – a mood-enhancing chemical in our brains.

Fancy a stress-relieving spa trip? Enquire about spa bookings today!



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